Privlačni Apartma Hike se nahaja v prvem nadstropju, zapelje vas z neverjetnimi razgledi z balkona. Apartma je bil oblikovan z mislijo na gorsko kočo, ki vas pričaka po zahtevnem vzponu. Z naravnimi toni nas ponese visoko v gore. Nudi prijetno spalnico z zakonsko posteljo in udoben raztegljiv kavč v skupnem prostoru.
Apartma Bike v pritličju hiše v prostorni predsobi ponuja prostor za kolesa ali za smuči v zimskem času. Ponuja spalnico z zakonsko posteljo in udoben raztegljiv kavč v skupnem prostoru. Z umirjenimi toni pripomore k sprostitvi po aktivnem dnevu. Za druženje ob večerji z žara ali za klepet z dvoje ob kozarcu vina je na voljo terasa ob hiši.
Rooms: hallway, toilet, and shower, living room with a dining area and kitchen, bedroom with a king-size bed, shared terrace
Size: 47 square metres
Features: refrigerator, oven, dishwasher, cooking hob, TV with a wide range of channels, wireless internet, hair-dryer, toaster, coffee machine, iron, kitchenware and cutlery, baby cot available upon request
The apartment has a separate entrance
The charming Apartment Hike on the first floor will take your breath away with its stunning panoramic balcony views. Its design aims to recreate the cosy atmosphere of a mountain lodge welcoming you after a demanding ascent. Its natural shades and tones take you high into the mountains. It has a pleasant bedroom with a king-size bed and a comfortable pull out sofa bed in the living area. With a size of 48 square metres it can accommodate three people or two adults and two children.
Its tranquil colour tones help you unwind after an active day spent outside. The terrace by the house is perfect for spending time together while grilling or chatting over a glass of wine.
Rooms: hallway, toilet, and shower, living room with a dining area and kitchen, bedroom with a king-size bed, shared terrace
Size: 47 square metres
Features: refrigerator, oven, dishwasher, cooking hob, TV with a wide range of channels, wireless internet, hair-dryer, toaster, coffee machine, iron, kitchenware and cutlery, baby cot available upon request
The apartment has a separate entrance
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